As a weight control expert and a person who has lost sufficient amounts of weight, I often receive inquiries regarding quick weight loss. People all over the world want the secret to losing weight naturally and fast. The sad part is, a majority of these people are so desperate that they listen to and follow a lot of wrong advice. Many companies that are into big money from diet products churn out large numbers of weight loss pills and tonics. The great majority of these weight loss pills and tonics are nothing but an excuse to squeeze money out of desperate people looking for ways to lose weight quickly. Ultimately, wrong advice and useless products lead to weight gain and the crashed of any diet plan.
Quick weight loss is possible, without following any fad diets or taking in any weight loss pill or tonic. But it can happen only if you understand the mechanism that triggers weight gain and prevents quick weight loss.
Have you ever come across people who eat a lot of food without it telling on their body weight? Active teenagers also take in a lot of food without putting on extra weight. If you or I were to take in the same amount of food and balance it with the same amount of calorie expenditure, we would still put on weight. There is a reason for this difference.
The key to quick natural weight loss is an efficient metabolism. Metabolism is the process in which your body converts food into energy. The rate of metabolism is affected by a number of factors. Age, sex, body weight, food habits, physical activity, heredity and medication have a direct impact on how fast your body is able to convert food into energy.
Young people have faster metabolism than older people;
Men, in general have a faster metabolism when compared to women;
People who eat a lot of roughage have faster metabolisms then those who are partial to fast food;
People who indulge in a lot of physical activity have high metabolic rates.
Unfortunately, fad diets, yo-yo dieting and the lack of exercise can adversely affect your metabolism. Lifestyle factors such as the lack of exercise also lead to a sluggish metabolism.
As you can see, the secret to losing weight quickly and naturally is speeding up your metabolism.
You can speed up your metabolism by eating the right kinds of food, exercising well and taking in certain natural supplements that speed up the body's natural metabolic rates. This three pronged strategy will help you boost your metabolism and aid quick natural weight loss.
You can have a look at this three pronged strategy for free through this 7-day free eCourse on losing weight.
You can have a look at this three pronged strategy for free through this 7-day ecourse on losing weight
Keep up to date with the latest weight loss trends at
Your partner in weight loss success,
Leisa St Ledger
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